Tag Archives: cycling

Velodrome in Brno City Lives!

Thanks to strong generation of Brno’s Dukla, our Czech track bikers are still winning medals from world and Europe Championships, although they do not have suitable velodrome for training.

The Brno City was considering the idea of new velodrome ten years ago, five years ago was planned to move cyclist and athletes into the hall of Bohunice Campus. New project in Komárov district was presented by city council on September 2018.

“This year we have a chance to gain zoning permission, so then there should be no obstacles for realization except financial cover of expense,” says to Deník Rovnost city council for sport Jaroslav Suchý.

“To work on bike” even this year again!

As in previous years, we are traditionally participating in May challenge called “To work on bike.” We have six teams in our company and together they have achieved to cover more than two and half thousand kilometres!

This year had the Event adjusted rules due to coronavirus pandemic, because regime of home office work has cut a lot of travel to our work. It was possible this year to register any kind of travel (including going for a walk of going to shopping) absolved by non-powered vehicles or on foot.

For the best ones is awaiting awards for invested efforts. We are congratulating to all our workers, who participate, to achieved kilometres on their ways!

Jana Štěničková